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What Are Implants Used for… and When

Do you want to find out more about dental implants? If your answer to this question is yes, you should further read this article, in order to discover exactly what they are, and what they are used for.

First of all, we should all know what this medical term actually refers to. A medical implant is a part that makes the connection between the bone of the jaw, and the prosthesis. It is usually made out of titanium, to ensure a secure bond with the bone. The procedure used to install implants is called osseointegration, because its aim is to incorporate the implant in the bone, and nowadays it is available in areas including St Louis.
This procedure can be very painful, and it can take a long period of time for the patient to fully recover after such an intervention. The recovery time depends on the health condition of the patient, and also on the health of the patient`s oral cavity. Because of the long period of time needed to recover after such an intervention, there is an increased risk to get an infection, so patients who undergo such a medical procedure have to pay extra attention to keeping their oral cavity clean.

The prosthesis that can be mounted on the implant can vary from crown and bridge, to even denture and facial prosthesis. In most of cases though, they are used as crown support for people who have lost one or more teeth. Usually, before actually mounting the implant, a dental extraction is required. Depending on the time spent between these two medical procedures, there are three approaches to place dental implants:

  1. Immediate after the extraction has been done
  2. After at least two weeks and up to three months since the extraction
  3. After three or more months after the extraction